Python Program to Calculate the Sum of Digits of an Integer

sum of digits

Python programs to calculate the sum of the digits of an integer have been shown here. For example if a number is $12345$ then the sum of the digits is $1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5$ i.e. $15$. The following section covers the iterative approach to find the sum of digits. The algorithm, time complexity and pseudocode of the program have been shown below.

1. Algorithm to calculate sum of digits of an integer

1. Take a number x as input.

2. Initialize a variable to 0 say sum = 0.

3. Perform r = x % 10 and add r to sum i.e sum = sum + r

4. Perform x = x / 10

5. If x = 0 stop the process and display sum as output else go to step 3.

2. Pseudocode to calculate sum of digits of an integer

Input : A number $n$

Output : The sum of digits of $n$

1. Procedure sumOfDigits($n$):

2. $sum \leftarrow 0$

3. Repeat until $n \neq 0$

4. $sum \leftarrow sum + (n \mod 10)$

5. $n \leftarrow n / 10$

6. Return $sum$

7. End Procedure

3. Time complexity to calculate sum of digits of an integer

Time Complexity: O(log(n))

Where n is the input number.

4. Program & output to calculate sum of digits of an integer

4.1. Python Program & output to calculate sum of digits of an integer using iteration

Code has been copied
# ****************************************
# Python program to calculate the sum of
# digits of an integer using iteration
# ****************************************

# take input of the number
num = int(input("Enter the integer = "))

# initialize
s = 0

# find sum of the digits
while num != 0:
    # extract the unit digit
    r = num % 10
    # do sum
    s = s + r
    # divide the number by 10
    num = num // 10

# display result
print("Sum of digits = ", s)


Enter the integer = 12548

Sum of digits = 20

4.2. Python Program & output to calculate sum of digits of an integer using recursion

Code has been copied
# ****************************************
# Python program to calculate the sum of
# digits of an integer using recursion
# ****************************************

# recursive function to calculate sum of digits
def digit_sum(num):
    if num == 0:
        return 0
        return (num % 10) + digit_sum(num // 10)

def main():
    # take input of the number
    num = int(input("Enter the integer = "))

    # calculate the sum by calling function
    # and display the result
    print("Sum of digits =", digit_sum(num))

# driver code


Enter the integer = 554488

Sum of digits = 34