Programs to find the letter grade of a student are shown here. The letter grade is calculated according to the score obtained by the students. The following table depicts the grade table and the ranges of the score.
Classification | Score | Letter Grade |
Outstanding | 90 to 100 | O |
Excellent | 80 to below 90 | E |
Very good | 70 to below 80 | A |
Good | 60 to below 70 | B |
Fair | 50 to below 60 | C |
Below average | 40 to below 50 | D |
Failed | Below 40 | F |
For example, if the score is 65, then according to the table, the grade is B, and if the score is 93, then it is O.
1. Algorithm to Find the Letter Grade of a Student
1. Take the score as input.
2. If the score is greater than 100 or less than 0, display the score as invalid.
3. If the score is between 90 and 100, display letter grade O as the output.
4. If the score is between 80 and below 90, display letter grade E as the output.
5. If the score is between 70 and below 80, display letter grade A as the output.
6. If the score is between 60 and below 70, display letter grade B as the output.
7. If the score is between 50 and below 60, display letter grade C as the output.
8. If the score is between 40 and below 50, display letter grade D as the output.
9. If the score is below 40, display letter grade F as the output.
2. Pseudocode to Find the Letter Grade of a Student
Input : Student score s
Output : Letter grade of the score s
1. Procedure letterGrade(s):
18. End Procedure
3. Time complexity to Find the Letter Grade of a Student
Time Complexity: O(1)
4. Program to Find the Letter Grade of a Student
In this section, the C, C++, Java, Python and C# programs to find the letter grade w.r.t score are given. A valid range of score is 0 to 100.
4.1. C Program to Find the Letter Grade of a Student
/********************************************** C program to find the letter grade of a student ***********************************************/ #include <stdio.h> int main() { // declare variables double score; // take input printf("Enter the score: "); scanf("%lf", & score); // find the grade if (score > 100 || score < 0) printf("Invalid score!"); else if (score >= 90) printf("Letter grade: O"); else if (score >= 80) printf("Letter grade: E"); else if (score >= 70) printf("Letter grade: A"); else if (score >= 60) printf("Letter grade: B"); else if (score >= 50) printf("Letter grade: C"); else if (score >= 40) printf("Letter grade: D"); else printf("Letter grade: F"); return 0; }
Case 1:
Enter the score: 92
Letter grade: O
Case 2:
Enter the score: 65.5
Letter grade: B
Case 3:
Enter the score: 73
Letter grade: A
4.2. C++ Program to Find the Letter Grade of a Student
/************************************************ C++ program to find the letter grade of a student *************************************************/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // declare variables double score; // take input cout << "Enter the score: "; cin >> score; // find the grade if (score > 100 || score < 0) cout << "Invalid score!"; else if (score >= 90) cout << "Letter grade: O"; else if (score >= 80) cout << "Letter grade: E"; else if (score >= 70) cout << "Letter grade: A"; else if (score >= 60) cout << "Letter grade: B"; else if (score >= 50) cout << "Letter grade: C"; else if (score >= 40) cout << "Letter grade: D"; else cout << "Letter grade: F"; return 0; }
Case 1:
Enter the score: 38
Letter grade: F
Case 2:
Enter the score: 56.75
Letter grade: C
Case 3:
Enter the score: 49
Letter grade: D
4.3. Java Program to Find the Letter Grade of a Student
/************************************************* Java program to find the letter grade of a student **************************************************/ import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // declare variables double score; // declare instance of Scanner class Scanner sc = new Scanner(; // take input System.out.print("Enter the score: "); score = sc.nextDouble(); // find the grade if (score > 100 || score < 0) System.out.print("Invalid score!"); else if (score >= 90) System.out.print("Letter grade: O"); else if (score >= 80) System.out.print("Letter grade: E"); else if (score >= 70) System.out.print("Letter grade: A"); else if (score >= 60) System.out.print("Letter grade: B"); else if (score >= 50) System.out.print("Letter grade: C"); else if (score >= 40) System.out.print("Letter grade: D"); else System.out.print("Letter grade: F"); } }
Case 1:
Enter the score: 38
Letter grade: F
Case 2:
Enter the score: 56.75
Letter grade: C
Case 3:
Enter the score: 49
Letter grade: D
4.4. Python Program to Find the Letter Grade of a Student
# **************************************************** # # Python program to find the letter grade of a student # **************************************************** # take input score = float(input("Enter the score: ")) # find the grade if score > 100 or score < 0: print("Invalid score!") elif score >= 90: print("Letter grade: O") elif score >= 80: print("Letter grade: E") elif score >= 70: print("Letter grade: A") elif score >= 60: print("Letter grade: B") elif score >= 50: print("Letter grade: C") elif score >= 40: print("Letter grade: D") else: print("Letter grade: F")
Case 1:
Enter the score: 105
Invalid score!
Case 2:
Enter the score: 47.5
Letter grade: D
Case 3:
Enter the score: 62
Letter grade: B
4.5. C# Program to Find the Letter Grade of a Student
/************************************************* C# program to find the letter grade of a student **************************************************/ using System; namespace FindGrade { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // declare variables double score; // take input Console.Write("Enter the score: "); score = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); // find the grade if(score > 100 || score < 0) Console.WriteLine("Invalid score!"); else if (score >= 90) Console.WriteLine("Letter grade: O"); else if (score >= 80) Console.WriteLine("Letter grade: E"); else if (score >= 70) Console.WriteLine("Letter grade: A"); else if (score >= 60) Console.WriteLine("Letter grade: B"); else if (score >= 50) Console.WriteLine("Letter grade: C"); else if (score >= 40) Console.WriteLine("Letter grade: D"); else Console.WriteLine("Letter grade: F"); // wait for user to press any key Console.ReadKey(); } } }
Case 1:
Enter the score: -5
Invalid score!
Case 2:
Enter the score: 39
Letter grade: F
Case 3:
Enter the score: 79
Letter grade: A