C++ Program for ASCII to Character Conversion

Ascii to character conversion

C++ program to convert a given ASCII value to its equivalent character has been shown here. Find here the algorithm, pseudocode and time-complexity of the problem. The flowchart of the program has been covered here.

1. C++ Program & output for ASCII to Character Conversion

Code has been copied
 C++ program for ASCII to charcater conversion

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    //declare variables
    char x;
    int v;

    //assign ASCII value
    v = 80;

    //convert and store equivalent charcater
    x = (char) v;

    //print result
    cout << "Equivalent character of ASCII value " << v << " is = " << x;

    return 0;


Equivalent character of ASCII value 80 is = P